Saturday, January 17, 2009

Mommy Loves Chocolate

This is kind of random, but I love chocolate!  (Lynn, you know what I mean. You inspirational guru!)

I like the texture and taste.  I love the way it makes me feel.  (That most likely means I am addicted to it.)  It helps me when I am sad, and adds to my feelings of joy when I am happy.  I could care less for other sweets, but I like chocolate.  

Many of my mothering mistakes I attribute to chocolate.  

When your four year old is throwing a tantrum giving them some chocolate to make them feel better is probably not the best idea.  (ooops!)  

When your ten month old infant will not stop crying sticking their binkie in chocolate frosting is most likely not an appropriate parenting approach.  (Even though it solved the crying issue!)

"There's nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with chocolate."
-Linda Grayson