Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A different kind of moment...

I am so totally having one of those moments.  You know the kind that you don't want to admit you have.

(Just imagine a three year old child throwing a fit.  Listen to the piercing dinosaur screech that radiates from their gaping mouth.  Visualize their various body parts randomly flailing as they express their frustration.)

Get it? Got it? Good.  
Now, you should understand the type of moment I am having.  A completely irrational and nonsensical moment.   

I am being utterly selfish while feeling irritated, frustrated and annoyed among other things. Do I have any valid reason to feel these things?  No, not really.  But, then again I am only human.  On a positive note today is nearly over and I will soon go to bed, hopefully to sleep. When I wake up it will be a new day.  By then I should get a grip and grow up a little bit.  

(It is amazing what a few hours of sleep will do when a person is having a moment!)

Good thing these types of moments are rare, random, few and far between.

Till next time,

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Moment

The last few years have often been tainted by struggle and sorrow, but for this moment in time I am completely fulfilled.  

Today has been beautiful, a welcome respite, a special Mothers Day. 

I am happy in a simple and peaceful way.  I am appreciative of my blessings.  This mortal life is often strewn with hardship, but it is also strewn with times of joy.  I often yearn for the pure joy of uninhibited moments and today has been full of those moments.   

I am thankful for the opportunity I have to be a mother.  My daughters are a special gift.  I yearned to become their mother and will never forget the miracles they represent.  I will be eternally grateful that they are apart of my life.  They shaped my person before they were conceived and continue to create my character on a day to day basis.  I love them and they love me.  I will forever be their mother.    

I am thankful for my mother.  She is my best friend and will forever be my mentor.  She consistently guides me in a wise and loving manner.  She provides me with a pristine example of motherhood.  I unabashedly aspire to become like her.  She has taught me to always rise to the occasion and overcome the odds.  She has shown me how to be a strong yet tender women. She has given me the gift of faith and has helped me to embrace small moments.  I love my mother with all my heart.  I am glad we will be together forever.  I am glad my mother she will always be.